PT. Saraswati Manajemen
PT.Alqurrny Bagas Pratama
Your Future is Our Concern
Indonesian Man Power Services
( Owner & Advicer) Opening Recruiting Agency PT.Saraswati Managemen.
Percaya dengan kata orang bijaksana "jangan menyimpan telor dalam satu keranjang, bila busuk satu semuanya akan tertular", maka dibukalah recruiting agent PT.Saraswati Managemen
Believe in wiseman words "Don't keep egg in one basket, if one spoiled, it will effect others"
(Part Owner& Advicer ) Sourcing Development ( SD), Supporting Hospitality Course.
Untuk mensuport recruiting agency dalam pengadaan tenaga kerja yang profesional dan membantu masyarakat kalangan bawah supaya dapat pendidikan dan skill pariwisata dengan biaya terjangkau.
To support the recruiting agency to provide professional candidates and helping the low level community with language and knowledge course with reasonable price
HOSPITALITY SCHOOL (2009 - Present )
(Advicer) Opening Hospitality Tranning School ( Monarch Bali)
Ingin berbagi ilmu dan mengajak teman-teman yang memiliki pengalaman dan satu visi untuk mengembangkan sumber daya manusia di bidang pendidikan khususnya pariwisata. Dengan moto hidup (orang dikatakan sukses bila telah membuat orang di sekitarnya sukses)
Wants to share and urge all of his friend who has same experience and vission to develop human resource in Education side, especially in Tourism sector, With his motto "a person call success, if they can make the people around them success"
(Owner & Resort Manager) Opening KTS Bali Resort di Canggu Bali
KTS is an eclectic boutique resort where we love to spoil our guests. We pride ourselves on providing an authentic Bali experience with specialized treatment and free invitations to emerge in traditional Balinese culture.
At KTS where superb hospitality, culture, and nature meet. We'll cater you with care and love.
It was built with “ Care & Love” based on “ Tri Hita Karana” which is a traditional Balinese philosophy. The literal meaning of the term is “ Three Causes of well- being/ prosperity” that include 1) harmony with God, among people and nature & environment.
CAPTAIN'S TABLE (2019 - Present)
(Owner&Management) Opening Restourant Captain Table Canggu Bali
Restaurant dengan konsep Kapal Pesiar dimana menu utama adalah Sea Food dan karena lokasinya di dekat laut juga di pakai untuk tempat pelatihan/ mendidik generasi muda yang ingin berangkat ke kapal pesiar.
Restaurant with the Cruise Line concept which the main menu is seafood and because the location is closeby to the beach and used for practical place for young generation who wants to work at the cruise ship
Yayasan Peduli Kasih didirikan untuk membantu masyarakat diberbagai bidang, ini didasari atas kepedulian terhadap sesama dan juga filosopi kehidupuan orang Bali yaitu Tri Hita Karana (Peduli kepada Tuhan, Peduli kepada sesama dan Peduli terhadap lingkungan
Care & Love Foundation was formed to help the basic needs of less fortunate communities and people (such as education, finance, housing, food and clothes, world disaster). This humanitarian activity is not only based on caring and loving each other, but also on the philosophy of life for the Balinese community known as Tri Hita Karana (Three causes of happiness), which are devotion to God, care for fellow living beings and care for the environment and nature.